Dr. Vinodh Kumar Radakrishnan
Dr. Vinodh Kumar Radhakrishnan currently working as Scientist - University of California-IRVINE,
Previously worked at top National designated Cancer Institutes like City of Hope National Medical Center, Loma Linda University, USA. Expertise in Genome variant analysis pertaining to Human genome sequencing analysis and OMNICS focus related to human Cancers .
Specialized research focuses on-Aggressive Stage-IV cancers, Nucleus, Mitochondria,
lysosomes and Exosome etc., as a source of biomarkers towards precision and personalized
diagnostics focus and related active particle ingredients in drug match discoveries.
Dr. Sathivel Arumgam
Dr Sathivel earned his bachelor’s and master's degree from University of Madras. He receivedPh.D(2005) from the department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, University of Madras. Dr.Sathivel specialises in hepatotoxiciry, pathology and apoptosis during liver disease. seaweed pharmacology and cancer biology.
Dr. H. Balajj Raghavendran
Dr H Balajj Raghavendran working as Associate Professor in National Orthopedic Centre of Excellence inResearch and learning (NOCERAL), Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, KLMalaysia. Dr.Balajl, specialized In Stem cells and Bio-material tissue Engineering Research in vitro and vivo.
Dr. Priyanka Ganapathy
Dr Priyanka Ganapathy, currently working as Assistant Professor al Ragas dental college and hospital, Dr Priyanka earned her bachelor(2002-2005) and Mastersin Medical Physiology from University of Madras, IBMS(2005-2008).