- We at Sankalp strongly believe that “Health is wealth and Prevention is better that cure”
- We at Sankalp offer a wellness program for all the men and women along with screening them for different cancers because Cancer if detected early is curable. We believe that one should NOT fear cancer but fear its late detection!
Sankalp for wellness
Basic Health Check up: Haemoglobin, Packed cell volume, R.B.C. count, E.S.R., Peripheral Smear, Platelet Count, Total W.B.C./Differential Count
Biochemical Parameters: Fasting Sugar, HbA1C, Urea /Creatinine, Uric Acid, PP Blood Sugar (only for diabetic patients)
Lipid Profile: Total Cholesterol, HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol, Triglycerides, Total Cholesterol /HDL Ratio
Liver Function Tests: Total Protein/Albumin/Globulin, SGPT/SGOT, Alkaline Phosphatase GGTP, S. Bilirubin, CBC, ESR, Urine Analysis, Stool Test (optional), X-Ray chest, Ultrasound scan of Pelvis(for women)
Thyroid function tests: T3 and T4